images-e1395866055512Hettie Geenen  grew up in the Netherlands, learning to sail at age 14.  She already knew she wanted to go to sea  –  as a serious sailor  –  at age 15.   So she became a commercial sea captain,  sailing mostly tourist ships in and around the Netherlands and the English Channel.   But she was restless to do something more meaningful, and had a lot of issues she wanted to support… so she found Greenpeace.   And Greenpeace found Hettie, sending her all around the world as the First Mate on the Greenpeace ship RAINBOW WARRIOR.   Listen to her yarns of sailing, protesting and rescuing the Earth with Greenpeace.

87842_2Leila Deen  grew up in Brighton, England, with teachers in her family and a healthy dose of social consciousness during her childhood.  She began as a street activist in her teens, and soon found herself working side by side with groups like Greenpeace.  When Greenpeace saw how Leila worked, they asked her to join the organization.  She now works as a Senior Campaigner,  currently focusing on the global struggle against hydraulic fracturing,  or “Fracking”  –  the dangerous practice of injecting chemical laden water deep in the earth, and causing earthquakes, in order to force up fossil fuels…as Leila says,  “Fracking” speaks for itself  –  we get fracked to fill the pockets of billionaires.